Showing posts with label AIS publication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIS publication. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

IRISES: The Bulletin of the AIS - Winter 2025 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

A warm welcome to those who are seeing IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society for the first time. If you are a member of The American Iris Society I hope you enjoy this new issue.

The Winter 2025 issue of the AIS Bulletin is available online, accessible via the Emembers section of the AIS website. The print copy will be mailed via the U.S. Post Office. On the cover, 2024 Photo Contest: Irises in a Landscape or Garden, Honorable mention "'Vanity'".

Note: to access this area of the website, you must have a current AIS Emembership. (AIS Emembership is separate from the normal AIS membership.) Please see the Electronic Membership Information are of the AIS website for more details.

The 2024 AIS Tall Bearded Iris Symposium starts on page 2 with beautiful pictures of TB listed on this annual compendium. It then continues on pages 3, 10 through 3.

Announcing a new edition of AIS's Basic Iris Culture on page 14. 

A welcome article to New and Returning AIS Directors on pages 15 through 17.

Spotlight on Hybridizers — The Next Generation focusing on Ben Schreiner on 18 — 20, and then on Brad Collins on pages 21 – 22.

Last year's Exhibition Report Summary is detailed on pages 23 — 32.

Hybridizers, details to submit your gorgeous creations for the 2027 Oklahoma City - Tulsa, OK Convention is on page 33.

The registration forms for the Billings, MT Convention are on pages 34 and 35.

Who are AIS Judges? Could you be a judge? take a look on pages 36 — 37.

Announcing The American Iris Society New Emeritus Judges on page 38.

An excellent article on The Morgan-Wood Medal on pages 39 — 43.

2024's AIS Gold Medal Recipient is announced on pages 44 — 45.

Don't miss the beautiful centerfold that is nature and word inspired, on pages 46 — 47. And, that is just half the articles on this issue.

There's so much more on this issue. Don't miss it!


Support the work of The American Iris Society by becoming a member:

Not a member of the American Iris Society? Please see our website for information about becoming one:
Happy Gardening!

  • The Annual Full Membership receives both benefits described above.
  • Participate in AIS’s Webinar Series featuring AIS experts from around the U.S.
  • Get to know about lesser known irises, such as species, spuria, Japanese, Louisiana, Siberian and other beardless irises.
  • Support AIS's Mission of education, conservation, research, preserving historical archives, and outreach projects.
  • Did you know that The American Iris Society is the registration authority for all rhizomatous irises worldwide?  
  • The Iris Encyclopedia is available 24-7, 365 days a year, and filled with a wealth of iris knowledge. Stop by for a visit!

Friday, October 25, 2024

IRISES: The Bulletin of the AIS - Fall 2024 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

A warm welcome to those who are seeing IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society for the first time. If you are a member of The American Iris Society I hope you enjoy this new issue.

The Fall 2024 issue of the AIS Bulletin is available online, accessible via the Emembers section of the AIS website. The print copy will be mailed via the U.S. Post Office. On the cover, 'Perry Dyer’ (2017, AB OGB-) by Paul Black.

Note: to access this area of the website, you must have a current AIS Emembership. (AIS Emembership is separate from the normal AIS membership.) Please see the Electronic Membership Information are of the AIS website for more details.

On page 2, see the AIS 2024 Award Winners Gallery.

Find on page 10 a summary list of the AIS 2024 Awards.

A moving tribute to Perry Dyer by Paul Black, and how he came to assign the name to the iris, is on page 15. The article is called Dykes Medal winner 'Perry Dyer' hybridized by Paul Black.

Linda Wilkie provides us with a list and images of the 2024 AIS National Convention Cup Awards, on page 16.

A part of the 2024 National Convention, see a beautiful article about the Mid-America Garden Tour, on page 18.

On page 22, a summary of the Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden, which was also part of the 2024 AIS National Convention.

Lastly, the Misty River Iris Garden is featured on page 25.

A formal invitation to the 2025 National Convention to be held in Billings, Montana. Could can resist? Meet us in Montana for Iris Under The Big Sky! is on page 28.

Hybridizers note the invite to contribute your beautiful creations for the 2027 National Convention. See the details are on the Request for Guest Irises 2027 AIS Convention Oklahoma City-Tulsa, Oklahoma, on page 31. 

There's so much more on this issue. Don't miss it!


Support the work of The American Iris Society by becoming a member:

Not a member of the American Iris Society? Please see our website for information about becoming one:
Happy Gardening!

  • The Annual Full Membership receives both benefits described above.
  • Participate in AIS’s bi-monthly Webinar Series featuring AIS experts from around the U.S.
  • Get to know about lesser known irises, such as species, spuria, Japanese, Louisiana, Siberian and other beardless irises.
  • Support AIS's Mission of education, conservation, research, preserving historical archives, and outreach projects.
  • Did you know that The American Iris Society is the registration authority for all rhizomatous irises worldwide?  
  • The Iris Encyclopedia is available 24-7, 365 days a year, and filled with a wealth of iris knowledge. Stop by for a visit!

Friday, August 9, 2024

IRISES: The Bulletin of the AIS - Summer 2024 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

A warm welcome to those who are seeing IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society for the first time. If you are a member of The American Iris Society I hope you enjoy this new issue.

The Spring 2024 issue of the AIS Bulletin will be available online soon, accessible via the Emembers section of the AIS website. The print copy will be mailed via the U.S. Post Office. On the cover, 'Spicy Mustard’ (2021, SPEC-X) by Jill Copeland.

Note: to access this area of the website, you must have a current AIS Emembership. (AIS Emembership is separate from the normal AIS membership.) Please see the Electronic Membership Information are of the AIS website for more details.

The Society for Louisiana Iris & the Spuria Iris Society Convention put together a lovely convention this year. This event is covered on a beautiful article with lots of images, on pages 11 through 15.

A recap of the AIS National Convention held in the Portland, Oregon area. The Convention was called New Horizons and you can read it and look at some gorgeous images on pages 16 - 21.

An initial article of Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm visited by many convention attendees in Washougal, Washington during the AIS National Convention. The article with beautiful shots is on pages 22 - 25.

Miller's Manor Gardens was part of the National Convention as well. Read all about it on pages 26 - 28.

A new series of articles about iris hybridizers starts with this issue. Spotlight on Hybridizers — The Next Generation features two fantastic hybridizers, Steve Kelly and Diana Ford. 

Claire Schneider and Jody Nolin had fun in Italy and France, judging irises for the iris competitions in those countries. But, they called their article, This Wasn't a Vacation; It Was Work! Do we believe them? You be the judge by reading their article on pages 34 through 37. 

And, then Claire Schneider put together a fun article about A Visit the Cayeux Garden while in France. Read it on pages 38 - 40.

There's so much more on this issue. Don't miss it!


Support the Work of The American Iris Society by Becoming a Member:

Not a member of the American Iris Society? Please see our website for information about becoming one:
Happy Gardening!

  • The Annual Full Membership receives both benefits described above.
  • Participate in AIS’s bi-monthly Webinar Series featuring AIS experts from around the U.S.
  • Get to know about lesser known irises, such as species, spuria, Japanese, Louisiana, Siberian and other beardless irises.
  • Participate in the Annual convention. The next convention will be in Portland, OR in 2024.  
  • Support AIS's Mission of education, conservation, research, preserving historical archives, and outreach projects.
  • Did you know that The American Iris Society is the registration authority for all rhizomatous irises worldwide?  
  • The Iris Encyclopedia is available 24-7, 365 days a year, and filled with a wealth of iris knowledge. Stop by for a visit!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

IRISES: The Bulletin of the AIS - Spring 2024 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

A warm welcome to those who are seeing IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society for the first time. If you are a member of The American Iris Society I hope you enjoy this new issue.

The Spring 2024 issue of the AIS Bulletin is already available online, accessible via the Emembers section of the AIS website. The print copy has been mailed via the U.S. Post Office. On the cover, 'Kimono Silk’ (Bauer & Coble 2008, JI) by John Bauer.

Note: to access this area of the website, you must have a current AIS Emembership. (AIS Emembership is separate from the normal AIS membership.) Please see the Electronic Membership Information are of the AIS website for more details.

Don't miss an invitation to the National Convention of The American Iris Society organized by the Greater Portland Iris Society. A description of the program and a registration form can be found on pages 10 - 13.

John Noble tells us everything we need to know about elegant and sophisticated Japanese irises in his article, Japanese Irises... Late and Large Beautiful Iris Blooms, on pages 14 - 17. 

Yet more beardless irises are presented to us by Pacific Northwest resident, Kathleen Sayce, in her article titles Trends in Pacific Coast Iris Hybrids, on pages 18 through 23. 

A fascinating story of how The W.A. Payne Medal originated, described in detail by Gary White, on pages 25 - 27. 

If you never participated in the annual symposium of TB irises, read all about it on Riley Probst article, the 2024 AIS Tall Bearded Iris Symposium on page 28.

Attention AIS Judges, don't forget to read the Changelog for the Handbook for Judges, Edition 8.23, on pages 29 - 31.

And... Attention Hybridizers, AIS Registrar, Janis Shakelford gives us instructions on how to use the fairly new iris registration system, on Attention Hybridizers: How to Register An Iris, on pages 32 through 35.

There's so much more on this issue. Don't miss it!


Support the Work of The American Iris Society by Becoming a Member:

Not a member of the American Iris Society? Please see our website for information about becoming one:
Happy Gardening!

  • The Annual Full Membership receives both benefits described above.
  • Participate in AIS’s bi-monthly Webinar Series featuring AIS experts from around the U.S.
  • Get to know about lesser known irises, such as species, spuria, Japanese, Louisiana, Siberian and other beardless irises.
  • Participate in the Annual convention. The next convention will be in Portland, OR in 2024.  
  • Support AIS's Mission of education, conservation, research, preserving historical archives, and outreach projects.
  • Did you know that The American Iris Society is the registration authority for all rhizomatous irises worldwide?  
  • The Iris Encyclopedia is available 24-7, 365 days a year, and filled with a wealth of iris knowledge. Stop by for a visit!

Monday, November 6, 2023

IRISES: The Bulletin of the AIS - Fall 2023 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

A warm welcome to those who are seeing IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society for the first time. If you are a member of The American Iris Society I hope you enjoy this new issue.

The Fall 2023 issue of the AIS Bulletin is already available online, accessible via the Emembers section of the AIS website. The print copy has been mailed via the U.S. Post Office. On the cover, the 2023 Dykes Medal winner 'Don't Doubt Dalton' (Tom Burseen 2015, TB).

Note: to access this area of the website, you must have a current AIS Emembership. (AIS Emembership is separate from the normal AIS membership.) Please see the Electronic Membership Information are of the AIS website for more details.

The AIS 2023 Awards are in full display beginning with the cover, back cover and all other winners displayed on pages 2 - 3. The listing of all winners are on pages 12 to 19.

A great recap of Region 21's Spring Garden Tour is included on pages 20 - 24.

A heartwarming tribute to Don Spoon on 25 - 31.

Don't miss the fantastic article by Charles Perilloux, about the Preservation of the Native Species of Louisiana Irises on pages 32 through 40.

Hot! Hot! Hot! Watering Irises When It's Hot, a very interesting article by Claire Schneider is on pages 41 to 43.

The Oklahoma Iris Festival and More by Michael Kowalchyk is on pages 44 to 47. Don't miss it. 

An invitation to the Spuria and Louisiana Iris Societies Combined Convention is on pages 48 and 49.

Everything you need to know about the New Horizons 2024 Portland National Convention is on pages 50 and 55.

Recommendations from the new AIS Membership Secretary, Jean Richter on pages 56 and 57.

The article, Are Japanese Irises Delicate Now Way! on pages 58 and 59.

A final article on Iris Grown in Containers: Part Four, on pages 60 and 61.

There's a lot more to see and read in this edition of IRISES, either in digital or print formats.


Support the Work of The American Iris Society by Becoming a Member:

Not a member of the American Iris Society? Please see our website for information about becoming one:
Happy Gardening!

  • The Annual Full Membership receives both benefits described above.
  • Participate in AIS’s bi-monthly Webinar Series featuring AIS experts from around the U.S.
  • Get to know about our lesser known irises, such as species, spuria, Japanese, Louisiana, Siberian and other beardless irises.
  • Participate in the Annual convention. The next convention will be in Portland, OR in 2024.  
  • Support AIS's Mission of education, conservation, research, preserving historical archives, and outreach projects.
  • Did you know that The American Iris Society is the registration authority for all rhizomatous irises worldwide?  
  • The Iris Encyclopedia is available 24-7, 365 days a year, and filled with a wealth of iris knowledge. Stop by for a visit!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

IRISES: The Bulletin of the AIS - Summer 2023 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

A warm welcome to those who are seeing IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society for the first time. If you are a member of The American Iris Society I hope you enjoy this new issue.

The Summer 2023 issue of the AIS Bulletin is already available online, accessible via the Emembers section of the AIS website. The print copy has been mailed via the U.S. Post Office. On the cover, Dallas Convention President's Cup winner 'Decked Out' (Tom Burseen 2015, TB).

Note: to access this area of the website, you must have a current AIS Emembership. (AIS Emembership is separate from the normal AIS membership.) Please see the Electronic Membership Information are of the AIS website for more details.

You're really going to enjoy this issue. There's extensive coverage of the Dallas Convention, starting on page 10 all the way to 42 with extensive corage by several authors and photographers. 

Update on the AIS Integrated Online System on page 43. Want to know what the IOS is? Take a read please. 

Bryce Williamson covers Region 14's Irises and Iconic Landscapes with lovely photos and descriptions, pages 44 - 49. 

Claire Schneider covers the Latest AIS news from online resources, on pages 50 to 51.

Are you a hybridizer? Check this communication piece by the AIS Registrar on page 53.

Feeding Your Container-Grown Iris is explained on pages 54 -55.

On pages 56 to 58, read about Adding Variety to your Garden with Iris Grown from SIGNA Seeds. 

And exclusive report on AIS Youth in Region 14 by Carolyn Hoover is on page 59.

The Ackerman Your Essay Contest Results and entries are on pages 60 through 67.

Don't forget the Beginner's Corner, on pages 76 - 77.

And, lastly, Section Happenings on pages 78 through 79.

There's a lot more to see and read in this edition of IRISES, either in digital or print formats.


Support the Work of The American Iris Society by Becoming a Member:

Not a member of the American Iris Society? Please see our website for information about becoming one:
Happy Gardening!

  • The Annual Full Membership receives both benefits described above.
  • Participate in AIS’s bi-monthly Webinar Series featuring AIS experts from around the U.S.
  • Get to know about our lesser known irises, such as species, spuria, Japanese, Louisiana, Siberian and other beardless irises.
  • Participate in the Annual convention. The next convention will be in Portland, OR in 2024.  
  • Support AIS's Mission of education, conservation, research, preserving historical archives, and outreach projects.
  • Did you know that The American Iris Society is the registration authority for all rhizomatous irises worldwide?  
  • The Iris Encyclopedia is available 24-7, 365 days a year, and filled with a wealth of iris knowledge. Stop by for a visit!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

IRISES: The Bulletin of the AIS - Spring 2023 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

A warm welcome to those who are seeing IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society for the first time. If you are a member of The American Iris Society I hope you enjoy this new issue.

The Spring 2023 issue of the AIS Bulletin is already available online, accessible via the Emembers section of the AIS website. The print copy has been mailed via the U.S. Post Office. On the cover, 'Turkish Topaz' (Lloyd Austin 1962, AR) — aril species (Regalia) hybrid, photo by Claire Schneider (California). 

Note: to access this area of the website, you must have a current AIS Emembership. (AIS Emembership is separate from the normal AIS membership.) Please see the Electronic Membership Information are of the AIS website for more details.

A gorgeous issue starts with Species are awesome! by Olga Batalov on pages 10 — 17.

A description of the AIS Tall Bearded Iris Symposium by Riley Probst, on page18.

An article called Welcome new and returning directors! on pages 19 — 21.

Bonnie Nichols introduces us to the 2023 Emeritus Judge Appointment of Robert L. "Bob" Strohman on pages 22 — 23.

The 2022 AIS Honorary Award Recipients, an article by Jody Nolin on pages 25 through 27.

A fantastic new book by Kevin Vaughn, Dwarf and Median Barded IRISES, is presented on pages 28 and 29.

Browse through pages 30 though 33 to find out more about labels and garden maps. Claire Schneider introduces us to Welcome Newcomers: Time for Labels and Maps in the Garden.

All about the artistic design in show on Dawn Boyer's article, The Evolution of the AIS Artistic Design Certificate on pages 34 through 37.

If you are a judge, you may want to read Chapter 1 Accreditation of Judges: Appointment of Artistic Design Judges, on pages 38 — 39. 

A New AIS Membership Secretary is announced on page 44. 

There's a lot more to see and read in this edition of IRISES, either in digital or print formats.


Support the Work of The American Iris Society by Becoming a Member:

Not a member of the American Iris Society? Please see our website for information about becoming one:
Happy Gardening!

  • The Annual Full Membership receives both benefits described above.
  • Participate in AIS’s bi-monthly Webinar Series featuring AIS experts from around the U.S.
  • Get to know about our lesser known irises, such as species, spuria, Japanese, Louisiana, Siberian and other beardless irises.
  • Participate in the Annual convention. The next convention will be in Dallas, TX in 2023.  
  • Support AIS's Mission of education, conservation, research, preserving historical archives, and outreach projects.
  • Did you know that The American Iris Society is the registration authority for all rhizomatous irises worldwide?  
  • The Iris Encyclopedia is available 24-7, 365 days a year, and filled with a wealth of iris knowledge. Stop by for a visit!