by Mel and Bailey Schiller
Time has run away from us these past months, and I realized it is our turn for a World of Irises blog post. Last week was a blur. We replanted around five acres of iris rhizomes and hired some help to get the job done. It was amazing to complete in seven days what normally stretches over months!
With that hard task behind us, we would like to share some of the reselect seedlings from the past season. Some of these hopeful varieties could be registered and introduced in the future.
Oh yeah! This bloom is the epitamy of why Bailey hybridizes. Broken coloured flat seedling....the only goal in his mind! This seedling is a good start in the right direction.
The seedlings re-selected are awesome for their first bloom: excellent branching, height, colour, bud count, and growth habit. We won't have a lot of work to do if they keep growing and blooming like this!
Bailey is making wonderful progress on diversifying flat, novelty irises. The colours that are starting to come through are amazing—this is one to watch!
This seedling has intrigued us since its maiden bloom. The standards are a particular draw with the odd blotchy placement of the unusual spots. This past season we have used this particular iris in our hybridizing. We hope to germinate seeds.
We have also taken a fancy to arilbred irises. We love them and are striving to introduce our very own into this range. This particular cross only had the one bloom this past season, but we look forward to seeing more of this one next season.
This little cutie looks like it may shape up to be a broken coloured SDB. We noticed it blooming and it gets to stay for another season.
Last season we experienced the unbelievable loss of my son and Bailey's brother. This season has been a blur and photos have not been the best quality. We hope for a much better season all around in 2022.
We are also organizing seeds and cross tags from 2021. We managed to successfully produce over 180 crosses that will be planted into germination boxes over the next couple of weeks. It is still incredibly warm here with next to no rain in sight. The seed will be going straight into boxes and we will water them daily from there. They stay outdoors to get exposure to cold temperatures, frost and hopefully some natural rainfall.
In 2022, our work at Smokin Heights will be part of the National Iris Convention. It is being held in South Australia and our garden will be on tour Sunday. (Albeit the garden is open every weekend through October for those wishing to pay us a visit.) We sincerely look forward to your company.
Here in the Southern Hemisphere, winter is on its way sooner or later. We look forward to opening Facebook and seeing all the wonderful posts of iris photos from all over the Northern Hemisphere. We are blessed that telecommunications have advanced so far so we can share experiences between countries.
Happy blooming season everyone!
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