Monday, October 3, 2016

Cleaning Pacifica Iris Seeds

Kathleen Sayce
October 2, 2016

Having put off seed cleaning much too long, today I cleaned seeds of all the iris pod bags collected this year, with a dry windy day to help the cleaning process along. 

Organza party bags with PCI 'Mission Santa Cruz' seeds inside. 

The goal:  To contain the seeds that this open pod sheds. Mission accomplished.

Organza party bags do a nice job of containing seeds as the pods ripen on the plants outside. Moss green fades nicely into the background, ensuring that those pods can hide for a year or two. Brighter colors ensure you can find the bags sooner rather than later. I put the pods in the bags into a clean, clearly-labeled brown paper bag to dry out of the sun in a cool spot in my house. 

The first seeds would ripen in June, but that lot is largely Ghio hybrids, which flower in March-April, and almost never set seed. One year there were more than 10 pods on PCI ‘Finger Pointing’. I bagged them, sent all the seeds to the seed exchange. That plant hasn’t set seed since. The irises that flower in May and June are the ones that reliably set seed in my garden. I bag pods ahead of ripening from late July to late August or early September. This is much later than gardens on the south half of the West Coast. 

Tools:  Mesh strainer, metal bowls, and fingers. 

I open the pods indoors, and shell out the seeds. Then I take the bowl of seeds with debris, and a second bowl outside, find a steady wind, and pour the seeds slowly from one bowl to another, about a foot apart, letting the wind separate out the chaff, dust, and other non-seed bits in the air between the bowls. 

A wire mesh strainer and lightweight metal bowl help when opening pods and cleaning off fine debris. One lot of seeds was rapidly splitting pods when I went out to cut them off the plants. I scraped up some seeds to add to the bag, so that bag had sand and mulch in it too. No photograph of this needed! It took about 8 pours, stopping to clean the empty bowl each time, to get the lighter debris out of that lot. I then had to pick out the mulch bits by hand. 
Note to self:  next year, cut off the pods you aren’t collecting, and if they hit the mulch, scrape it up and put it somewhere where the seeds can germinate on their own. 

The first autumnal storm blew through yesterday. Today with much lighter winds, I could trickle seeds from one bowl to another and let the wind blow off the lighter debris. I do this over a garden bed, so if seeds do blow out in a hard gust, they land where they can germinate. 

Easy pods to clean! These Iris tenax pods open on their own. All I have to do is check for seeds caught in the crevices.  

Pods vary widely in their ability to open on their own. Species pods do very well, especially Iris tenax, I. innominata and I. chrysophylla. For these seed lots, cleaning is a matter of checking the sections in each pod to make sure no seeds are still lodged inside. 

Annoying pods to clean:  Iris douglasiana pods often stay tightly closed in my climate. I clip the tips off, see lower photo, then pry out the seeds if removing the tips hasn't loosed the sutures along each section. 

Not so with Pacifica hybrids, as these pods, like Iris douglasiana, tend to be slower to open, or many not open at all. I cut off tips, break pods in half, roll them in my fingers or between palms to loosen seeds, then shake and pry them out. It’s a slow process. 

If I have the time, when the seeds are ripe but the pods are not yet fully dry (as they’ve turned yellowish brown), I open the pods as I cut them. They pull open like a three sided pea pod at that stage. Later, the pods are hard and the sutures, the splitting lines between the sections, harden. It might be climate:  gardening on the Pacific Northwest Coast, we do not experience the heat of gardens to the south along the West Coast. 

Cean dry seeds to send to the seed exchange. 

The result:  Clean seeds, with bugs, larvae, spiders, earwigs, snails and other seed and pod grazers removed, ready to bag and send to the seed chairman for the SPCNI Seed Exchange. 

Monday, September 26, 2016



It finally dawned on me (pun intended) that I had been limiting myself by taking pictures that look similar to iris vendor catalog shots.

The pictures in vendor catalogs generally show you a close-up looking at the middle of a fall or looking between two falls. This is a good way to show us the primary characteristics and coloring of the iris so that we know what we are buying.

But why continue to take pictures as if I am a vendor when I am not? I am not going to publish a catalog or send out a brochure. I can have more freedom, options and artistic ability if I take a variety of different poses from different distances.

'Elizabethan Age'  Lowell Baumunk, 2005
This photograph has four open blooms, a different perspective, and several buds as well as several blurred clumps in the background making for an interesting color combination and artistic composition.  'Elizabethan Age' is so stately and loves to bloom with its identical quadruplets.

'Be Original' - Joseph Ghio, 2008 & 'Versailles'  Keith Keppel, 2006          
In contrast, I took these pictures in the traditional "catalog pose". I love them both and think it's a great way to photograph each bloom, but the purpose of this article is to explore other perspectives as you will see below.

'Prague'  Thomas Johnson, 2004

Notice in this photograph I am capturing two blooms at once as well as two flanking buds. This was 'Prague's' second year blooming in our garden and I especially enjoyed peeking at the underlining of the falls.

'Victoria Falls'  Schreiner, 1977
'Victoria Falls' makes a wonderful splash of blue when photographed from eight feet away. As long as you have no heavy winds, you will love this flower.

'Mink Pink'  Brad Kasperek, 2011

 'Winning Hand' Joseph Ghio, 2011
Foreground has 'Mink Pink' by Brad Kasperek and in the distance 'Winning Hand'. I believe this picture is more enjoyable because of the combination of flowers.

'English Charm'  Barry Blyth, 1989
I was pleasantly surprised by the blend of colors from our maiden bloom of this flower. This iris has flowers tipped every which way but they are "charming".

'Drama Queen'  Keith Keppel, 2002

'Drama Queen' never takes a bad photograph. I deliberately sharpened the focus on the front flower and blurred the one behind. To me, this makes the picture more artistically pleasing.

'Romantic Gentleman'  Barry Blyth, 2002

'Romantic Gentleman' was also a maiden bloom this year. I would have taken more pictures of this iris with it's lovely color and branching, however, this bloom is particularly susceptible to white spots from rain and we had a lot of rain during its bloom period.

Don't forget to take some far away shots and even some panoramic ones. I can't think of a better way of showing the garden setting. Another advantage is the weeds don't show as much.

'St. Louis Blues'  Schreiner,  1979
'St. Louis Blues' is fairly old but look at the contrasting beards, the branching. and the rich blue color.

'Happenstance' Keith Keppel, 2000
This image has one image superimposed on top of the other. I think it adds novelty.

'Shouting Match' Keith Keppel, 2013
This was a maiden boom and I appreciate one in front of the other.

'Eye for Style' Barry Blyth, 2006
This pretty bloom branches itself beautifully as if competing for attention.

Do you find yourself producing photos that conform to the conventions of the iris catalogs? Try some different angles and see how you like the results. Let me know your results or better yet publish them or send me a copy. Have fun and experiment a little with some new perspectives.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Honey, I Shrunk the Irises!

by Tom Waters

MTB irises 'Redrock Princess' and 'Dividing Line'

Miniature Tall Bearded?

An oxymoron is a phrase whose parts seem to contradict each other, like jumbo shrimp. In the iris world, we have the rather perplexing term miniature tall bearded. How can an iris be both tall and miniature? Of course the word "miniature" here must be taken in a relative sense: these are irises much smaller than the standard tall bearded irises which they otherwise resemble.

Bearded irises are categorized into six classes, based mostly on height. Strangely, however, there are three classes that all occupy the height range between standard dwarfs and tall beardeds: intermediate bearded (IB), border bearded (BB) and miniature tall bearded (MTB). When I first became interested in irises in southern New Mexico in the 1970s, I found this rather confusing, moreso because at the time I had not grown any of these various types of medians. I asked a local club member about MTBs, and she said "I don't think anyone here grows those."

Happily, this group of irises has grown steadily in popularity since then. They are now widely grown, and one 'Dividing Line' (Bunnell, 2005), has even won the Dykes Medal. But what are they exactly?

The Story of MTBs

The answer takes us back to the 1920s and 1930s, when the popular tall bearded irises were changing rapidly through the work of the hybridizers of the day. In particular, more and more tetraploids were being introduced and supplanting the older diploids in popularity. A tetraploid is a plant with four sets of chromosomes, whereas diploids have only two. Tetraploids are often larger and huskier than their diploid counterparts. This was certainly the case with the TB irises, and the iris world was all enthused over the new large blooms and tall stalks.

'Hot News'
But there were a few people here and there who were less enthusiastic about the new "bigger is better" trend. Ethel Peckham, Thura Hires, and Mary Williamson were amongst the first to go against the trend and seek out the smallest TBs, rather than the largest. Mary Williamson's father, E. B. Williamson, was a noted iris breeder at the time, and the three ladies kept a close eye on his seedling beds looking for the daintiest, tiniest irises, which the hybridizer himself referred to as "runts". Pekham dubbed them "table irises" to call attention to their suitability for flower arrangements. These original selections were all diploids.

Interest in the table irises declined as time passed, however, probably because they were not recognized as an official category, so had no awards or other encouragement. They might have been altogether forgotten were it not for the work of Alice White in the 1950s, who tirelessly promoted the table irises. The timing was right, as this was an era when there was a surge of interest in dwarf and median irises. New types were being developed, and it became apparent that a new system of categories was needed to accommodate the many different sorts of irises smaller than the TBs. So in 1957, the miniature tall bearded class was created. This name was chosen over "table irises" to emphasize that they can be appreciated as garden plants in their own right, not just for flower arrangements.

The requirements of the MTB class are stricter and more exacting than any other. Not only must they fall in the proper height range (41 to 70 cm, although the center portion of that range is preferred), but they must also meet limits for flower size and even stem diameter. In many ways, the standards of the class are a reaction against the prevailing trends in TB breeding. Instead of taller and taller stalks with larger and larger blooms, MTBs must be truly miniature and dainty in all respects.

Meet the Diploids...

Iris variegata
As noted above, the original MTBs were all diploids. That is no longer the case, but diploids remain the most prominent type. Although a variety of different bearded species are in the background of the diploid MTBs, the dominant influence is from Iris variegata, a dainty median-sized species from eastern Europe, usually yellow with red or brown veins covering the falls. Its wiry stems curve gracefully, resulting in a slightly zig-zag branching pattern. The blooms have a nice flaring form.

There are many modern diploid MTBs in which the variegata coloring and form are much in evidence, but the range of color and pattern goes beyond that into white, blue, violet, plicata, orchid, and blends. Some recent favorites of mine include 'Redrock Princess' (Witt, 2006), 'Peebee and Jay' (Schmieder, 2006), and 'Hot News' (S. Markham, 2009). 
diploid MTB 'Rayos Adentro' (Morgan, 2007)

...and the Tetraploids

Iris aphylla
Although the tetraploid TBs are larger than the diploid TBs, there are tetraploid bearded species in all different sizes. Early on, some creative hybridizers such as Ben Hager realized that it might be possible to breed tetraploids that would meet the strict size requirements of the MTB class. Hager used Iris aphylla, a copiously branched small bearded species to create tetraploid MTBs, introducing many in the 1970s and later.

Why undertake such a project? One reason is that there are colors and patterns in the tetraploid bearded irises that simply do not exist in the diploids. Tangerine pink is the best-known example. If you want a true pink (or orange, or red-bearded white) MTB, it will have to be tetraploid.

Iris aphylla has lots of branches and lots of buds, which is a good thing, but it brings some problems, too. The stems tend
'Tic Tac Toe'
to be stiff, with branches from the base of the stalk that stay parallel to the main stem. This can lead to a crowded, coarse appearance far from the MTB ideal of grace typified by diploids from Iris variegata. Still, with diligence and patience, the difficulties were gradually overcome, and today we have quite dainty and graceful tetraploid MTBs to complement their diploid counterparts.

Some favorites of mine include 'Say Red' (Craig, 2008), which has three buds in each of its many sockets, and seems to just keep on blooming forever, 'Tic Tac Toe' (Johnson, 2010), a lovely pink and pastel violet bicolor, and my new favorite 'Silver Ice' (Black, 2013) an almost-white plicata with beautifully formed ruffled blooms.

'Say Red'
Although some were initially skeptical regarding tetraploid MTBs, there is no doubt now that they are here to stay, giving us even more choices and possibilities within this class of delicacy, daintiness, and refinement.

Have you tried MTBs in your own garden? Do you prefer diploids or tetraploids, or do you enjoy some of each?

Monday, September 12, 2016


Susanne Holland Spicker

Elegant and carefree, tall bearded irises have proven to be a satisfying and rewarding gardening experience for me in zone 6. By the time September rolls around, the flowers have long since faded, and the stems cut to the ground. However, the memory of last spring's bloom lingers... 
 (front to back) 'GLOBAL CROSSING'  (Van Liere '12), 'EMBRACE ME' (Van Liere '08),
'PRETTY GENEROUS' Innerst '04), 'FLIRTINI' ( Sutton '12),

 'SISTERHOOD' (Van Liere '11) This bed always does well.
They love where they're planted--just the right amount of sunshine and moisture
Pictured here are just a few of my season favorites. Some are relatively newer cultivars, while others are older classics that have performed well over the years. 
'GLAMAZON'  Blyth '07   Beautiful in every way!
 July and August are busy months in Zone 6 in the iris beds: dividing existing clumps, planting new rhizomes, relocating others and revamping beds with companion plants. I always take time to evaluate the successes or failures of the previous bloom season, and try to improve the beds. There have been several times I was ready to call it quits with an iris, thinking, despite my best efforts, it just wouldn't grow in my zone. But after transplanting it to another area in the garden, it wound up thriving. Although this isn't the case every time, more often than not, it is. 'GLAMAZON' (Blyth '07) is one example--it is now thriving after moving it. In its second year, several stems with huge blooms rewarded my patience--I'm so glad I didn't give up on it.

Another example is 'EDITH WOLFORD' (Hager '86). It has been reliable and prolific for several years now after having marginal success with it in a prior bed. It never disappoints, blooming consecutively now for over 10 years. My advice to the beginning iris gardener is to always try another location before removing it for good.

'EDITH WOLFORD' Hager '86    A Dykes Medalist and reliable, older variety

'ENGAGEMENT RING' (Ghio '11)    Every bloom is perfect!

Another season favorite was 'ENGAGEMENT RING' (Ghio '11). This exciting bi-tone has excellent form, with clear, soft yellow standards and pure white falls rimmed in fuschia-orchid. The bushy bright gold beards against the stark white falls make it a stand out in the garden. It was not only a personal favorite, but visitors to the gardens voted it their favorite.

'DARKSIDE' (Schreiner '85)    Outstanding black!
An older black, but one that performs well consistently is 'DARKSIDE' (Schreiner '85). Although I have several other blacks, this is still one of my favorites in this color class. It's hardiness and reliability, even in an off year where other irises struggle because of weather-related problems make it a must-have in my garden.

Other 2016 season favorites include:

'PURPLE SERENADE' (Schreiner '05)  Mulberry-claret beauty
'LEMON CLOUD' (Painter '08)   Beautiful form and longevity of bloom
Amoena 'MILES AHEAD' (Schreiner '10) 
'FLIRTINI' (Sutton '12)   Wonderful combination of color and form! I love the yellow turned-to-blue beards on this light melon and white beauty
'EYE FOR STYLE' (Blythe '06)  Magnificent!
'HIGH BLUE SKY' (Ernst '98)  I love the soft blue of this iris with darker veining on the falls
'ABOUT TOWN' (Blyth '97) A clump of this iris is glorious!
'ROSY FORECAST' (Williamson '10) Beautiful combination of colors on this pink plicata
'KATHY CHILTON' (Kerr '06)   Dramatic!
(Left) 'PROUD TRADITION' (Schreiner '90), an older, reliable variety and 'BY DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT' (Van Liere '13), the first year bloom on this beautiful blue.--I love these iris with the bluebells and bright two-toned cherry lupine
'ROMANTIC GENTLEMAN' (Blyth '02)   Stunning!
'JESSE'S SONG' (Williamson '83)  Reliable and hardy--among the first to bloom
'EPICENTER' (Ghio '94) Excellent form on this dramatic plicata
'QUANTUM LEAP' (Sutton '05) I was very pleased with this first year bloom.
 It was a gift from an iris friend--Thanks, Lori L.
'EMBRACE ME' (Van Liere '08)  An all-time favorite pink--gorgeous with fast increase
'FLAMINGO FRENZY' (Johnson '12) I love the dusky beard and blue-pink color on this laced and ruffled iris
'DEEP CURRENTS' (Johnson '09 ) I love the deep color on this stunning flower
'TENNESSEE GENTLEMAN' (Innerst '91)  First-year bloom - a pleasant surprise!
'TENNESSEE GENTLEMAN' (Innerst '91)  The standards are especially beautiful

I could post several more season favorites, but time and space won't allow. I hope some of these favorites inspire you to add to your iris gardens, or have brightened your day a little. 

If you had a favorite in your garden this year, I'd love to hear from you. What makes it a favorite?