Monday, January 4, 2016

"Talking Irises" TALL BEARDED IRISES -- Merging Ourselves in the Garden Makes for a Meaningful Life

By Susanne Holland Spicker

'SEA POWER' Keppel 1999
 "Why do plants have such a positive impact on us? There are a number of reasons, including: They have a predictable cycle of life that provides comfort in our time of rapid change. They are responsive but nonthreatening. They form no opinions or judgments about their caregivers. They soften our man-made environment. They enable us to change or improve our environment. They provide relaxation and tranquility." ~ Gardening-Therapy for Mind, Body and Soul

'MAGICAL' Ghio 2007
When I started actively gardening about 20 years ago, I just wanted to grow some beautiful flowers. I had no idea the impact gardening would have on me and my life. I found that working in the soil and seeing the miracle of rebirth that takes place when the plants woke in the spring was indescribable.

'MONTMARTRE' Keppel 2008

I've learned much during those 20 years. Reading and
studying, taking classes, visiting nurseries and home
gardens. I've also gleaned information from other
gardeners through sites like this one. I think I've learned
most, however, by trial and error in my own flower beds.
This post will concentrate on some of the things I've
learned that have helped to make gardening much more
enjoyable, satisfying and successful for me. Hopefully
there may be an idea or two that can be of some help 
to you as well.


So, where to begin?  May I suggest that garden 
journaling is the perfect place to start?
'PARISIAN DAWN' Keppel 2006
Keep a garden journal. A journal can be as simple as a spiral notebook. I start a new journal every year, and have a separate one just for irises. It contains planting dates, bloom times, plant performance, any insect or growing problems, the action taken to solve problems, and the outcome. Weather-related problems, with freeze or early warm up dates, and the moisture levels for that year are included. Plant information such as the hybridizer, introduction year, plant height, sun, water, and fertilization requirements etc., are kept in an iris journal in a folder on my computer, tagged with its picture. It's been interesting and helpful to compare the data from year to year. 

'EXTRAVAGANT' Hamblen 1983

As I look back on my journals over the years, one of the most pleasurable things is to read my thoughts at that time:  The anticipation of the year's first bloom in the spring, the excitement at the bloom of a new cultivar, the quiet beauty of an early morning walk through the beds after a spring rain, the amazing colors at peak iris bloom time in the gardens, the childlike wonder seeing a bud unfold, or even the  debate I have with myself trying to make room for "just one more" iris! Yes, journaling has been an important and special part of my gardening.

'VIENNA WALTZ' Keppel 2000
Make a garden map. There is no substitution for a good garden map to keep track of your plants. They've been invaluable for success in my gardens. An easy way to make a map is to simply walk around your garden with a sheet of small grid graph paper. Write down the names of plants as you see them in the bed. Then you can take that information and transfer it to the computer. Making changes when plants are added, removed, or transplanted is very easy to do with this system. Hard copies can be printed off and taken out to the garden for quick reference. I like being able to see the garden on paper at-a-glance. I use this method of journaling to design a bed or figure out color schemes and placement of plants as well. I'd be lost without my garden maps.

Use a plant marker system. Since irises look much the same when not in bloom, plant markers are an excellent way to keep track of them. I've had good results by writing names on durable plastic plant markers with a black grease pencil or a black oil-based paint pen. Other markers, even though they claim to be permanent, still fade. I've seen all kinds of markers--blind slats, tongue depressors (although these don't hold up well), plastic cutlery, metal engraved ones--it doesn't matter what you use as long as it is durable and reliable.
Take lots of pictures! There are many reasons why photos are valuable in your journal-keeping: Pictures give the date and time the picture was taken. Tagging photos with pertinent information, such as cultivar name, hybridizer, height, bloom time, etc., makes it quick and easy to find any bloom you've photographed. Irises in an individual folder on my computer, listed by name in alphabetical order has been a system that has worked best for me over the years.

'CROWNED HEADS' Keppel 1997

Australian researcher Mike Steven said that domestic gardening has the potential to satisfy 9 basic fundamental human needs in our everyday lives:  "subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity, and freedom." 

'ADOREE' Blyth 2010

I think Andi Rivarola sums it up: "Merging ourselves in the garden makes for a meaningful interior life."  I know this has certainly been true for me.

If you haven't kept a garden journal, or implemented the tools mentioned, I encourage you to start now--2016 is the perfect time to begin! 

'PHOTOGENIC' Ghio 2006
Do you keep a garden journal?  If so, has it made your gardening experience more meaningful? I'd love to hear from you.