Friday, February 22, 2013

IRISES, the Bulletin of the AIS - Jan/Feb 2013 Edition

By Andi Rivarola

For those of us who do not grow Reticulata iris, this new edition of IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society, may prove to be the turning point. I hope you will be as impressed as I was with the images and the article by Alan McMurtrie from Ontario, Canada. Mr. McMurtrie was awarded the British Iris Society's Foster Memorial Plaque for his work on Reticulata iris. His third article for our bulletin is Reticulata Iris: The Journey Continues.

IRISES is on its way to you right now, and hopefully it won't be long before you enjoy all of the wonderful articles in this great issue. The electronic edition is already available for those who subscribe to e-membership.

The issue includes a wonderful introduction by The American Iris Society's new President Jim Morris from Missouri, and IRISES Editor Kelly D. Norris gives a ton of fascinating information about news and information of the Society.

Other interesting articles include:

Whither MDBs irises and Pumilas? By Elm Jensen

Germination of Bearded Iris Seeds, by Bob Hollingsworth

Aphylla Genes in my Breeding Program, by Loic Tasquier

Announcing "News & Notes," by Robert Pries

The Sterling Project, by Greg Hodgkinson

The Care and Feeding of Rock Gardens, by Richard C. Richards

The Tall Bearded Symposium for 2012

and so much more.

For those new to The American Iris Society, as a member you may choose to receive the printed edition of IRISES, or you can become an e-member and read the entire publication online. The latter is a very convenient option for overseas iris enthusiasts. For more information, please go to our website's membership information section