Monday, December 10, 2012

IRISES article: Graeme Grosvernor's 40th Year Hybridizing

By Andi Rivarola

This is a snapshot of an article published by IRISES, the Bulletin of The American Iris Society, written by John Taylor, on the great Australian hybridizer Graeme Grosvernor.

The October/November 2012 issue of IRISES is excellent, and there are many articles which I am sure you would like very much. For me, this one made an impression, and I hope that you have a chance to read it.  There you will see many more pictures and get the full story.

Mr. Grosvernor is celebrating his 40th year of hybridizing, and in my view, he is the epitome of a dedicated hybridizer.  He tells Mr. Taylor that he knows the complete pedigree and breeding lines of the various irises he works with, and counts as his own preferences for hybridizing purposes the irises of other great hybridizers such as fellow Australian Barry Blyth.  Other favorites include Keith Keppel, Joe Ghio, Paul Black, Tom Johnson and Fred Kerr, outstanding hybridizers here in the US.

Mr. Grosvernor's Garden
Mr. Taylor recounts that the many successes and failures that plagued Mr. Grosvernor would be recognized by many hybridizers and gardeners immediately. Working in the garden often depends on acknowledging that the results will be in the hands and grace of Mother Nature.  Mr. Grosvernor says "nature will decide when a particular flower will bloom."

Mr. Grosvernor is still hybridizing, and recently produced over 10,000 seeds to be planted. He has interests in bicolors, plicatas, amoenas, neglectas and selfs.

Seedling I6-1
As of 2012 Mr. Grosvernor has developed lines in white, blue, pink, apricot, black, yellow and red.  Self colors are a major part of his work. One of his favorite lines has been those developed by using 'Rustle of Spring' as a parent, from which 'Rusty Taylor' (2011/12) was created.

'Rusty Taylor' (2011/12)
I hope this gives you an idea of what you will see if you take a look at the full article. I was impressed by the level of detail Mr. Grosvernor was able to share, and how systematic he is in his work.  In the future, young hybridizers will be able to build on the fantastic work of current hybridizers like Graeme Grosvernor.

AIS members receive (digitally or in print) the quarterly publication, IRISES: the Bulletin of the American Iris Society. Each issue of IRISES provides approximately 65 pages of fresh information on iris culture, an array of color photographs of both old and new irises, and an advertising directory of commercial iris growers located throughout the United States.

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