Friday, February 3, 2012

Irises at Aitken's: Part Five - Seedlings

For the final installment in our virtual trip thru the iris rows at Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden I'll leave you with a set of photos of various seedlings growing for trial or increase before introduction. They were all so beautiful it would be hard to pick a favorite. I love the charm of these MTBs with their small dainty flowers on slender stems. It is amazing to see what the hybridizers are doing with the color and pattern range in this once limited class. Sorry, I have no information about them other than their seedling number as listed on the tags.

Thanks for reading along this week as I shared my visit to the garden of Terry and Barbara Aitken. Many thanks to them for their hospitality and kind encouragement. I'll be heading back there again to enjoy even more blooms. I think I'd like to visit in the summer when the Japanese and psudacorus bloom as they have acquired a large collection of Hiroshi Shimizu's 'eye-shadow' psuedatas (a species cross).

There is always something beautiful to see at the Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden. Be sure to plan to stop and visit when you are in the area at iris time. You won't be disappointed.