Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From the Editor's Desk

First off, I'm so thrilled that The American Iris Society finally has a blog! Kudos to Andi Rivarola for leading up this effort to produce snappy, free content on behalf of the world's largest organization of iris lovers. If you belong to the AIS, you've probably seen my name atop the masthead of Irises, our Society's official magazine. Feel free to drop me an email about anything iris- or magazine-related at I'm always in search of the next great iris story to tell. With any luck that story might just grow in your own backyard or take place at your local club's next event. Don't be a stranger! I plan to use my posts to preview upcoming content in Irises and solicit your input. I'll try to drop hints about cover stories, headlines, and give updates about the status of the issue as it works its way through the publishing process. The AIS needs as much feedback from our membership as possible now more than ever.

So here's a teaser for the upcoming April issue... interested in all the new color breaks coming along in Siberians? Hybridizing masters Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks have authored a tremendously colorful article full of some mouth-watering photos of Siberian seedlings coming out of superior varieties like 'Humors of Whiskey' (2007), pictured below, courtesy of Brock Heilman.