Monday, August 24, 2020

Russian Hybridizing 2

By Sergey Stroganov

Editor's Note: In this second part, Sergey writes about some other seedlings he enjoyed in his first crop. Any of us who have hybridized know this special thrill when see the first children.

The next cross I liked was 18-73: ‘One of a Kind’ X ‘Mood Ring’. It bloomed almost in full, and most importantly, gave a large variety of fun seedlings with good branching and growth, including a lot of brown seedlings, despite the fact that this color is not common (most likely, these genes are carried by the ‘Mood Ring’?).

Parents first:

‘One of a Kind’


‘Mood Ring’


18-73A: standards are largely inherited from my mother, and it turned out quite unusual, in my opinion.


18-73B: I have already seen a similar color scheme in seedlings. This one won me over with its branching. Well, the combination of blue and brown (on the hangers and border) looks modern.


18-73C: now go brown - this brown-gold.

18-73D is lighter in tone and touches are added to the beard.

18-73E: this one impressed me the most of the entire party with its uniqueness.

18-73F did not blossom in full force this time.. also from a series of brown, with a striped iridescence.

18-73H and this color was also present. Note that almost all seedlings on the standards are visible venation, this is from One of a Kind.

18-73I again brown with strokes, apparently created to confuse me.

18-73J - an even richer brown and an even rarer color.



And finally for today-Seedling 18-343A: 'In the Morning ' X 'Another Suggestion'. From this cross, only 2 seedlings bloomed - the first was unsuccessful, but this one exceeded my expectations and became my favorite seedling this season.