Monday, June 8, 2015

"Talking Irises" ENJOY YOUR TALL BEARDED IRISES ALL YEAR LONG! Creative ways to preserve your iris photos

 By Susanne Holland Spicker

Tall bearded irises 'Proud Tradition' (Schreiner 1990), 'Queen's Circle' (Kerr 2000), 'No Count Blues' (Schreiner 2009)
"The gardens that make us happiest flourish because we have taken the time to make sure they feed our souls and fill a special place in our lives." (Lindley Karstens)

Tall bearded iris 'Daring Deception' (Johnson 2012)
For several years I have been taking some of my iris photos and making them into cards, posters, and photo books, adding favorite thoughts and quotes to the image. I have chosen a few to share in the hopes that they may inspire you, or just bring a smile to your face. Most of the iris images are first-time bloomers in my 2015 garden.

Tall bearded iris 'Winning Edge' (Ghio 1997)
Tall bearded iris 'Coming Up Roses' (Gatty 1992)
Tall bearded iris 'Engagement Ring' (Ghio 2011)
Tall bearded iris 'Ascii Art' (Moores 1997)
Tall bearded iris 'New Leaf' (Ghio 1997)
Tall bearded iris 'Magical' (Ghio 2007)
Tall bearded iris 'Global Crossing' (Van Liere 2012)
Tall bearded iris 'Wedding Belle' (Keppel 2007)
Tall bearded iris 'Vienna Waltz' (Keppel 2000)
Tall bearded iris 'Tickle Me Pink' (Van Liere 2011)

Tall bearded iris 'Queen's Ransom' (Van Liere 2012)

Tall bearded iris 'Devonshire Cream' (Sutton 2000)

I love the quote from A.J. Balfour:  "What a desolate place would be a world without a flower! It would be like a face without a smile or a feast without a welcome.  Are not flowers the stars of the earth?"
Tall bearded iris 'Long Embrace' (Van Liere 2010)

Tall bearded iris 'Aristocracy' (Keppel 2006)
What are some ways you enjoy the beauty of your irises through the year? Do you have any creative ways in preserving their beauty when they're not blooming?  I'd love to hear from you!